Project ITB’s, aka bid invites usually contain some basic information on what it is you are being invited to. Name of the project, location, bid due dates and if you are lucky any alternates and / or unit pricing.

Somewhere there might be a list of trades and vendors that this project will need pricing on. Other times, the bid invite is just sent out to everyone and their Grandmother on the bidder’s list.  

This can be a waste of time for subs and vendors to review a full set of plans and specs only to figure that there is nothing for them to bid. This happens; if it can be alleviated perhaps more bids can be submitted.

Working to provide a turnkey bidding service for general contractors; Get A Job Joey will take the time to review your plans and specs and write up a realistic bid invite before being sent out.

All plan sets and specs will be as different as the job invite written to describe them. Bid invites that Get A Job Joey will write for you will include the standard information. Job title, architect, general contractor contact information, bid due date, alternates and any scheduled site visits 

During our plan and scope review we will itemize what trades, items and vendors you will need pricing on. To alleviate the wasting of anyone’s time; we will list any items or trades that have already been awarded or that the owner will be doing them or outsourcing.

Most importantly, we will list what type plan set and what stage of completion the plans are at. If the architect / owner are looking for budgetary based upon 50 % design development; then we will most definitely list that on the bid invite that we write for you.

Get A Job Joey will send you a rough draft version of your specific project ITB before we send it out to sub contractors.
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