Not that long ago in the early 2000’s, I ran a small construction company that specialized in commercial property management tenant improvement projects.
Seemed like we were always waiting to get plans from the client who had to wait on the architect who was waiting on the MP & E to be completed. And this is where the fun started.
And then once we actually got the paper plans it was off the reprographic / blue print shop to get multiple paper copies printed. This run around was a wasted morning at best.
Anybody actually reading this page and that has been down this road before; has an idea of how this scenario played out. Once your time and money was wasted getting the paper plans and you have them back to the office; you might have found yourself faxing, calling and emailing your sub-contractors to come and pick up plans.
Some of the general contractor’s regular subs would show up, somewhere already busy and maybe a few lost their way. I can remember all too well attempting to navigate through bid day. With subs pretty much faxing in bids and conducting follow up phone calls to confirm receipt that they had been received by your office.
Faxing in bids is still done a little bit today. Long gone are paper plans, blue print shops and sub-contractors picking up plan sets to work on estimates.
I wrote this page as a I put this web site together; just to remind what use to be involved in getting projects out to bid back then and how much they have changes today.